Monday, February 27, 2012

Craft of the Day

Ok so I really needed a place to display the bows that I'm goin to put out to sell at a hair salon and I wracked my brain to put together a "display case" if you will. But I didnt want to spend alot of money(well any money if I could arrange that LOL ). So I came up with this little number :). 

Supplies Needed:
  • 1 frame (I used a 20x20 frame from an old picture I had)
  • scrapbook paper (any collection you would like)
  • 7/8 in Ribbon any color that coordinates with your paper
  • glue, tape, or staples to secure the ribbon to the back and the paper to the cardboard
  • scissors 
  • and of course your little ones favorite bows :)


First: I decided the arrangement of the paper I wanted then I used a little modge podge on the back of the paper and secured it to the cardboard that came with my picture frame.

Second: I Secured the ribbon which I cut into 18in pieces to the back of the board with "Terrifically Tacky Tape from Provo Craft".

Third: I secured the cardboard to the backboard that came with the picture frame and took out the glass front as well.

Fourth and final step: Arranged my bows!!!! :) hopefully my soon to be customers appreciate the subtle creativity of this simple project.


Let me know what you think and happy cr@fting!

                                                                                                                                         Thanks so much;
                Kelli :)

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